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Stories from the week of April 30, 2010

COPs on the Hill

Teacher becomes the Student:   About a year ago I drove my motorcycle to downtown Washington to have coffee with former JAG* officer, federal prosecutor and retired superior court judge James Gray, a LEAP speaker.  During our 90 minute chat he scribbled down* two pages of notes, remarking he liked my sound bites and my articulation of the issues.  

Thursday this week I was in the studios of the southern Oregon NPR* radio station in Medford, speaking for 30 minutes.   Jim followed me with another 30 minutes of discussion on drug prohibition.   Jim was eloquent,* especially how he described how kids sell to kids. As the program ended, I was thrilled to realize that he had become a more effective speaker than me.  I have adopted his style of describing how‘kids selling to kids’ issue.  Smiles all around.

 On the road again:    This week and next I am on a speaking tour, sponsored by MAMAS.org in western Oregon.   Sandee Burbank befriended Misty and me in 2003, generating good media coverage our last 2 weeks of the first trip across America.   When she called me late last year to help out, I just asked when I should show up and for how long.   We are averaging about 4 events per day, moving the issues of prohibition.

Who brought the donuts?:  Yesterday in Eugene I was waiting to speak to a crowd at the federal courthouse.   Jackie (our driver) ascertained that two police officers were on our side and then directed them to me.   The three of us chatted for five minutes as the local TV crew filmed our conversation.   Several in the crowd later remarked it was so inspiring to see me talking to uniformed officers.    WTG Jackie!

*JAG – Anwalt beim Bundeswehr

*NPR –National Public Radio

*eloquent – redegewandt; ausdrucksvoll

COP stats since August 2009:

 348 presentations to Congressional Staffers

7 presentations to VIPs (elected officials)

33 published Letters to the Editor (that we know of)

Numerous conferences, hearings & briefings attended.  C-Span broadcast my question at a Senate briefing

11 radio shows

6  TV interviews (Colombian TV, Fox and Univision)

Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year.  It is tax-deductible.  Add your voice to those who agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or check.


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