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Cops on the Hill:     Stories from the weeks of Sept 23 thru November 4, 2022

 The Good:   I had an excellent two hours at the Grover Norquist meeting, having small chats with 3 Republican candidates running for the House and Senate.

The Bad:  The last 100 offices in the Congress I have not done, will not ever respond to my request of a meeting.

The Ugly:  due to power politics, no meaningful drug reform legislation will see Biden’s’ desk the first two years.  “Staking out a position” has become more important than a 90% win.  MPP, NORML and DPA support the “stake out a position” being more important than a 90%  win. Quite, quite discouraging.

So,…the cowboy is going on vacation, minus three meetings.  On the 9/30, I have a meeting in Berlin with a German BKA (FBI) agent and understand better the German initiative to legalize cannabis in 2023 and any law enforcement objections.   On October 11 I will have a two hour meeting with a govt official of the Swiss Health Ministry to go over the latest changes in their Heroin Assisted Treatment program.  We will also discuss their baby step in Basel, where 370 Swiss citizens (only) will be buying marijuana by year’s end.  Plz don’t ask now why only 370…I will ask the official (en français) in October.


The next day I will again meet with one of the architects of the HAT program, Dr. Bürki now in private practice, for his take on Swiss programs for drug reform.  That meeting will be auf Deutsch.


PS:  to all COP supporters and funders – a heartfelt thanks to all of you for sticking with COP these past two, very difficult, trying years.  Come January, I will start over again and make contact and meetings with all 535..there will be a major turnover in Members.  If the Rs take the House, they will open up the House to the public on Day One.  If Nancy remains in charge, I fear she will continue to have closed doors.


Weekly Activities:


424 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc   03 this week

3813 Presentations to Congressional staffers… 00  this week…

Meetings:  3.. Grover Norquist and two more in Switzerland in October



COP stats since inception: August 2009


335 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week

209 interviews and reports in minor media …0 this week….interviewed by documentary crew making film about Burning Man

107 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 This week

95 Radio Interviews…

44 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters

31 major conferences attended – (UN drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week

Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”

* Consider being a member of COP at $40 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice. www.citizensopposingprohibition.org





































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