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COPs on the Hill – Stories from the week of March 5, 2010

 COPs on the Hill

Stories from the week of March 5, 2010

Sign of desperation:  It was a radio week, as I was on three shows.  The first and longest  (2 hours) was on the popular talk radio station here in Frederick, Maryland.  The radio guy who invited me was a strong believer in all prohibition, as was the other guest, Charlie Smith the chief prosecutor of this county of 200,000.  

 In the first 5 minutes the prosecutor, Charlie stated that since I wanted to legalize/regulate marijuana, I must be in favor of 7 year olds girls having sex.  We went to commercial and he apologized off-microphone.   The slur* was an indicator of how desperate, how lacking in rational  talking points the prohibition crowd has become.   On Saturday at the coffee shop a gentleman walked up and asked if I were the guy on the radio.   He agreed with the COPs position and the other guys’ points were “ridiculous.”

 Could you take a look?:   This week I was asked by a House staffer to review and comment on a draft* letter which will later go out to all Congressional offices which have an established program for the medicinal use of marijuana.   ( 146 Members)

 On the flip side I met with the new health and science advisor to the Swiss ambassador to the United States.  I asked him to have his colleagues back in Switzerland review my summary of their successful treatment program which includes the use of heroin to addicted patients. 

Twenty more years to repeal federal  MJ prohibition:   This estimate/statement was made during my original presentation to the general counsel* and legislative director to one US Senator on Friday.  I countered with five years after the first state repeals its state-wide MJ prohibition.   That is THE reason Misty and I are spending 10 weeks in California this fall.  

  • Slur = Beleidigung
  • Draft = erste Versuch
  • General counsel = Anwalt

 COPs  stats for first seven months of its first year:


274 presentations to Congressional  Staffers

6  presentations to VIPs (elected officials)

29 published Letters to the Editor (that we know of)

Numerous conferences, hearings & briefings attended.  C-Span broadcast my question at a Senate briefing

8  radio shows

Two TV interviews (Colombian TV) & Fox

Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year.  It is tax-deductible.  Add your voice to those who agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or check.

 Thank you, 


Modern Prohibition/The War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional &  immoral  domestic policy since slavery  & Jim Crow.

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