COPs on the Hill – Stories from the week of January 8, 2010
Posted January 14th, 2010 by hiwayhowie
COPs on the Hill
Stories from the week of January 8, 2010
Faux pas or How reform wins?: Last week I recognized a member of McConnell’s (R-KY & Minority Leader) staff who every week briefs those who attend Grover Norquist’s brunch. Of course I could not think of her name as we approached each other near Union Station. “Senate lady. How you doing?” I called out. She did recognize at least the hat and responded.
At Grover’s this week she told the 120 folks about how she was hailed as the “Senate Lady” near Union Station and had hoped no one in ear shot had taken that to mean something X rated. Everyone laughed. As she moving forward to address the group, she spied me and I sheepishly raised my hand as the guilty one. My face has not been that red since I rode Misty across the Utah desert. Her name is Lanier & shall NOT forget it ever. On the flip side,* she won’t forget me either.
How do you measure success/progress?: At a coffee shop near my home, ‘off-duty’ (LOL) & wearing my shirt, I became engaged in a chat. The person asked how I measure progress. I related this story as one method.
Before meeting the Senate staffer from a western state, the receptionist and I engaged in a chat. Her husband had retired as the commander of that state’s police. “Not to butter your toast,* but I must tell you that your state was the best at demonstrating hospitality to my horse and me. It took 14 days to cross your state and 12 nights someone took us in.”
I told her how I had ‘backed up’ a state trooper on a traffic stop in the middle of nowhere which her husband may have heard of. (how often does a guy on a horse stand by a traffic stop to make sure the officer is okay?)
The next day I gave her the 12 pages out of Misty’s book which detailed the hospitality and adventures of riding thru her state (included two nasty dust storms). Upon leaving, she stated I was an effective speaker for my issue and wished me good luck on my mission. NOTE: at that moment I wish I had been able to give her LEAP card to give to her husband but…..
To the guy at the coffee shop, I summarized by saying. One never knows when a contact like this bears fruit but statistically one knows that a certain percentage do.
*on the flip side = on the other hand
*butter your toast* = schmeicheln
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Thank you,
Officer Howard Wooldridge (retired)
Drug Policy Specialist, COP –
Washington, DC
817-975-1110 Cell
Citizens Opposing Prohibition – Become a Member
PO Box 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717-0772
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