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COP on the  Hill – Stories from the week of November 8, 15, 22, 2024

COP on the  Hill – Stories from the week of November 8, 15, 22, 2024

Back from vacation:  While i was in Switzerland, I took the opportunity to renew my relationship with the Swiss Health Ministry.  I had an hour long chat in German with the new contact person for their Heroin Assisted Treatment program.  She gave the changes for 2025 and later approved the document I will distribute to the Congress in 2025..very productive.

Election Night Party/Funeral:  I attended the Grover Norquist election soiree’.  As the sad news came in, I salvaged the night with 5 media interviews in four -4 languages.  After two hours I left, unable to share their happiness of the results.

Drug War Status:   Last week I made my short presentation to the Norquist Center-Right Wednesday meeting…notes below.

Main takeaway is I expect 0.0 changes for the better in the next two years, as least…there is no political advantage for Republicans to change direction/laws regarding marijuana or anything else.Senator Schumer (D-NY) has never allowed a vote on MJ banking nor bills to end MJ, fed prohibition….the incoming Majority Leader Thune is stuck in Reefer Madness mentality, as is all Republican leadership, House and Senate.

Thus, the next two years I will continue my anti-prohibition message and mainly educate the aides on the benefits the Swiss Medication Assisted Treatment for heroin.; Yeoman’s work for sure.

In two days I am having my right knee replaced…simply wore it out…I’ll be on a walker for a couple of weeks.  I do expect to be able to walk well enough in January to resume my meeting with staff.


Happy Thanksgiving and Season’s Best  you and yours,



This Week:

02 meeting.. Grover Norquist center-right meeting

477 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs,   … 0 this week..



COP stats since inception: August 2009

6081 Presentations to Congressional staffers… 0 this week

403 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week

117 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 this week

245 interviews and reports in minor media … 0 this week –

102 Radio Interviews:  01 this week

34 major conferences attended – CPAC 2024, (3 UN drug conferences in Vienna, Austria),  LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week

Media:  Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, OAN, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters, Stern

* Consider being a member of COP at $40 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice. www.citizensopposingprohibition.org ( to donate by Internet)

To send a check:


POB 543

Buckeystown, MD  21717


Status of the War on Drugs in 2024


After 53 years of efforts, 54 million arrested on drug charges, 1,000,000 Americans dead from Drug OD the past 14 years  and 1.5 trillion tax dollars wasted, fentanyl is easily purchased in every small town in America.  By any objective measure, this has been the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery and Jim Crowe.


Cheerful News:  There is no heroin for purchase in USA.  Bad news: the cartels began 7 years ago to replace heroin with Fenty because the profit margins are much higher…the transition was complete in 2023..


Cheerful News:  the number of opioid addicts has gone down each of the last 7 years (doctors stopped prescribing Oxycontin like candy) .   Bad News: OD deaths have stayed stable at about 200 per day, as the much more powerful Fenty entered the market place.


Do not look for any change in supply, as 86% of Fenty comes through a Port of Entry on our southern border. Moreover, drug dealers accept Death and long prison terms as a condition of employment.  Trump’s promise of the death penalty for dealers will have 0.0 impact.


Regarding treatment: the US approach has not changed in my lifetime, despite 1,000,000 dead in the past 14 years.  The Swiss strategy  is vehemently Pro-Life.  And no one in Congress has been interested, except X Senator Rob Portman who visited a clinic in Bern in 2000.


All illegal drugs remain “readily available “ per the analysis of our DEA.


Marijuana: 24 states have legalized it, mostly like beer…another 15 states have medical use only, including Nebraska which just passed it.  North and South Dakota and Oklahoma voted no to legalize/regulate.  Even red states like Ohio and Missouri have legalized it.


At the federal level, our side has had the votes to pass a one page bill to repeal federal prohibition and or the Banking Bill for 6 years.  Democratic leadership decided not to pass that bill, rather they  have pushed a 38 page bill (MORE Act) which contains many elements which are contrary to the 10th Amendment…Chuck Schumer has never allowed a vote on any bill.  I expect no major changes anywhere in the next 4 years; not state, not federal.  There is no political advantage for Republicans to pass anything, so they won’t.


MJ arrests have gone from an all-time high of 800,000 per year, down to about 300,000 – this as 24 states legalized sales and possession.  Total drug war arrests are down from 1.6 million to 1.1 million.


Last: Oregon voted to decrim simple possession of all drugs 3 years ago…the public became disgusted as addicts began shooting up anywhere and everywhere…the experiment ended this year in disgrace…they should have left in place the crime of public consumption.


Questions/Concerns ?



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