• Congressman Garrett (VA-R)

  • Gov. Chris Christy (NJ-R)

  • Colorado 2012

  • California Field Work, Prop 19

Stories from the week of August 5, 2011

COP on the Hill

Your Voice in the United States Congress

With the big boys:  On Monday I did my first in camera interview in the rotunda of the Cannon building.  This is where nearly all House Members interviews you see on TV are done.  It was a reporter for Danish television.  It was a hoot.  It felt good.

Not a tenther:* Leaving the interview, I matched up with a Member walking down the hall.  He asked how it was going.  I told him about the TV interview which was about the violence and death our teens encounter because they sell drugs and are shot.  I continued that the Ron Paul-Barney Frank bill would employ the 10th amendment to allow the states to choose their own path. “What do you think?”  “Not a good idea, “he replied.  „Not a big fan of the 10th amendment? “  I asked.  „I am but not with drugs,” he responded and we parted company.  Too many Members like him = no principles.

Need your help on 2306:  Please send an email to your Congressman, asking for their support for the Frank-Paul Repeal Federal Prohibition Act of 2011  (HR 2306).   They will answer. Then send their reply to me.  We have an 8 person working group which is dedicated to passing 2306.  We need to learn where each of the 435 Members stand on this and why they oppose.  For you over-achievers, ask your friends outside your District to do the same.   This is how regular citizens can help pass legislation.   Thanks in advance.

*Tenther = eine Person, die über unser 10te Zusatz ein Fan ist; 10te = die Staate sollen mehr Vorrechte  haben, ihre eigene Politik einzuführen

One published letters to the editor below.

COPs 2nd year stats to date:

206 presentations to Congressional staffers:  9 this week

TV appearances: 14 …  this week (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc) 

Newspaper stories: 7 dailies, 3 weeklies

Radio appearances: 13 – this week

Published LTE: 20 (1 this week) –see below

Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 12   (this week)

 12 (Member of Congress) contacts:     this week

6 other VIP ( state Senators  & Reps):   

Published in the Baltimore Sun: Aug 3


Speaking as a retired police detective and member of LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), I heartily concur with the NAACP that it is past time to terminate our failed war on drugs also known as the war on people — mostly of color (“The NAACP is calling for an end to the drug war; what about you?” July 31).  My profession, which is shrinking all over America, must return to its true mission of public safety.

If you have a drug problem, see an addiction clinic.

Howard Wooldridge,

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Your support keeps the COP voice loud and strong in the halls of the United States Congress.   We agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:


POB 772

Buckeystown, MD  21717

Filed under:On the Hill

TIME TO END FAILED WAR ON DRUGS:Published LTE in the Baltimore Sun: August 3, 2011


Speaking as a retired police detective and member of LEAP ( Law Enforcement Against Prohibition ), I heartily concur with the NAACP that it is past time to terminate our failed war on drugs also known as the war on people — mostly of color ( “The NAACP is calling for an end to the drug war; what about you?” July 31 ).  My profession, which is shrinking all over America, must return to its true mission of public safety.

If you have a drug problem, see an addiction clinic.

Howard Wooldridge,

Howard Wooldridge is a Drug Policy Specialist with Citizens Opposing Prohibition.

Filed under:In the News

Published LTE: Porterville Recorder: POT HARVEST – July 26, 2011


Speaking as a retired street cop, the amount of time and money going after the marijuana crop is a horrific waste of taxpayer money.  Pot has been readily available to kids for over 30 years, despite the pinpricks in supply reduction.

As the “Thin Blue Lines” get thinner, I hope my colleagues will focus their attention on pedophiles, drunk drivers and other public safety threats.

Got a problem with marijuana? See an addiction doctor.

Howard Wooldridge

Filed under:In the News

COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of July 22 and 29, 2011

COP on the Hill

Your Voice in the United States Congress

Timing Matters:  Busy week with 18 presentations.  In two offices the Member returned from their duties as I was there.  With a Florida Member I had a serious, 90 second chat.  He indicated he would support the repeal bill.  With the other from Indiana he asked how is it going?  I replied I was about to sell his aide Christy some snake oil.  Perhaps intrigued, he asked what that was.  I outlined the repeal bill and he said he would take a look. 

Both Members received a hand-written note on my personal/COP stationary.  One is designed for Democrats and one is for Republicans, naturally.

Vacation minus one day:  I spent the week with Karen’s family in a lake area in western Maryland.   Karen was mostly successful in getting me to relax and NOT work…except for Tuesday.   I spent the day preparing for a nationwide, Spanish television talk show. My thanks to Paul Armentano of NORML & Daniel Robelo of DPA who helped me prepare.  The broadcast went well (link below).   During the debate I was unable to find the correct word for “someone” when asking for someone to call in and tell us any benefit, any advantage to marijuana prohibition. I ended up saying some person, any person.. Grrr.

http://youtu.be/rNkHFWgUCPA  debate marihuana segunda parte

Two published letters to the editor below.

COPs 2nd year stats to date:

197 presentations to Congressional staffers:  18 this week

TV appearances: 13 … 1 this week (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX, cable) 

Newspaper stories: 7 dailies, 3 weeklies

Radio appearances: 13 – this week

Published LTE: 19 (2 this week) –both below

Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 12 (this week)

11 (Member of Congress) contacts:    2 this week

5 other VIP (MD state Senator & Rep):   


Porterville, CA Recorder



Speaking as a retired street cop, the amount of time and money going after the marijuana crop is a horrific waste of taxpayer money.  Pot has been readily available to kids for over 30 years, despite the pinpricks in supply reduction.

As the “Thin Blue Lines” get thinner, I hope my colleagues will focus their attention on pedophiles, drunk drivers and other public safety threats.

Got a problem with marijuana? See an addiction doctor.

Howard Wooldridge


Free-Lance Star, VA


Speaking as a retired detective, I heartily agree with the thoughts of Donnie Johnston [“Is it time for a truce in the war on drugs?” July 22]. 

My profession has spent just over a trillion tax dollars on the war on drugs.  The results? Drugs are cheaper, stronger, and more readily available to our teens. 

Prohibition is the prime driver of felony crime in the U.S.  Millions of good citizens have been made victims because a crackhead needs $200 a day. 

Seriously, if Charlie and his friends die from cocaine, who cares? My sympathy is with the homeowners whose homes are broken into. 

About 98 percent of us do not need a law to keep us from using hard drugs.  Will we ever be as wise as our grandparents and repeal prohibition? Or will we waste another trillion dollars just to see what happens?

Howard Wooldridge

Buckeystown, Md.

Filed under:On the Hill

Published LTE: Chico (CA) News & Review: July 21, 2011


Re “Happy 40th, Drug War” ( Guest comment, by Jay Bergstrom, July 7 ):

Speaking as a retired detective, I heartily agree with the anti-prohibition views of Jay Bergstrom.

When I first strapped on a badge and gun, my task was simple: protecting the weak from the strong—public safety.  When the War on Drugs ramped up, the personal safety of citizens in their own homes became important.  We became like parents.  “Now Charlie, if you don’t take the cocaine out of your nose I am going to tell your father …  I mean the judge.” Politicians thought the government could fix stupid via the police.  Oops.

I look forward to the day my profession returns to a task we are good at: public safety.  Got a drug problem, Charlie? See a doctor.  I got better things to do than chase you.

Howard Wooldridge

Springville, Calif.

Filed under:In the News