Posted October 10th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
COP on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
Washington, DC based: Four years ago former LEAPer Jody James suggested that LEAP have at least a DC mailbox to demonstrate a commitment and presence in the nation’s capital. They declined to act but this week I had a brain burp,* remembered her suggestion and adopted it for COP. New address at bottom reflects the COP focus on educating the Congress and thus changing the course of federal law.
Reward system works: I really enjoy my Crown Royal whiskey and the Swiss chocolate I came back with this spring. But, I only allow myself a shot and some squares, when I have had a chat with a Member of Congress. Wednesday I asked Congressman Huelskamp (R-KS) why he thought the nation should continue spending another trillion on the failed drug policy of prohibition. This was at the monthly Leadership Institute breakfast ( NOTE: The LI trains young Republicans. After the breakfast we spoke for two minutes, agreeing the government can not fix stupid via the police/criminal justice system.
Two hours later via being at Grover Norquist’s’ brunch, I was invited to a luncheon with Congressman Dent (R-PA) attended by about 25 persons and again I was able to ask questions. Two shots and 4 squares of chocolate that night!
Go left or go right?: On Friday I usually head to Congress to have seven meetings with staffers. This Friday I decided it was more important to send a personal email to all House staffers. The memo at far bottom (3 minute read). My thanks for the contributions of NORML expert Paul Armentano to this memo.
*brain burp = etwas im Koph fallen lassen
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
144 presentations to Congressional staffers: 2 this week
3 Letter to the Editor: 1 this week
1 Television appearance: this week
2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)
2 radio shows: this week
7 (Member of Congress) contacts: 2 this week
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 2902
Washington, DC 20013
If you have questions or comments, please send an email to:
COP total stats in first two years: August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)
649 Presentations to Congressional staffers
22 Appearances on major TV networks
10 published interviews in newspapers
12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)
19 brief chats with Members of Congress
13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
Published LTE in Roanoke, VA daily paper:
Re: “Briefly put,” Sept. 27 editorial:
Speaking as a retired detective and student of history, your idea ( have pharmacies participate in tracking sales of meth ingredients ) to improve the meth problem is doomed to failure.
We in law enforcement have been trying such ideas for the past 40 years. The results of those ideas and a trillion tax dollars spent? According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, “Drugs are readily available to America’s youth.”
The meth lab, whether “shake and bake” or the table-sized variety, is the moonshine still of the 21st century. We can make 99 percent go away if we would repeal the prohibition of amphetamines. Allow adults legal access to the same amphetamines we give Air Force and Navy pilots to fly long missions. This is not complicated.
Detective/Officer ( retired )
Where does your office stand on HR 2306? The Frank/Paul bill – Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011
This report is the first of four regarding marijuana. Any questions, please call/write.
Detective/Officer Howard Wooldridge (retired)
Drug Policy Specialist, COP –
Washington, DC
817-975-1110 Cell
DUI of Marijuana Arrest Procedures (or any non-alcohol, intoxicating drug (pain killers, etc)
Overview: Based on the street experience of this author (400 arrests for DUI or DUID), arresting anyone for non-alcohol related DUI follows closely the same procedures as alcohol-related DUI. The three (3) differences are that on the side of the road, there is no instrument-based test to determine the level of intoxication. The second difference is that blood should be drawn before the arrestee is put in jail. The third is the results of the blood test are not revealed, until after the arrestee has been released.
1. Officer observes bad driving or responds to an accident.
2. Officer conducts a field interview (questions and observations ) of the driver to determine sobriety.
3. If sobriety is in question, officer has subject perform physical & mental tests.
- NOTE: In some states, a DRE (drug recognition expert) will also run the suspect through a series of physiological (pulse rate, nystagmus) and performance tests.
4. If tests indicate intoxication above the legal standard and alcohol is not detected, the subject is arrested and read their rights for a chemical test.
5. The officer requests the arrestee submit to a blood test, as breath would be useless.
6. The arrestee is taken to a medical facility and blood is drawn. Arrestee is taken to jail. Formal charge is DUI of Drugs. The blood is taken to a lab. NOTE: if arrestee declines to take the test, a search warrant is obtained and blood is drawn with or without their cooperation.
7. X Days later the results from the lab are sent to the prosecutor’s office. The prosecutor would then issue a complaint and warrant for DUI of Drugs, if the facts warrant such.
- NOTE: Pennsylvania used to have a 5ng/ml THC/blood standard for DUI but in 2011 amended it to 1ng/ml. Some states set the level at zero (Michigan) or 2ng/ml (Ohio, Nevada).
8. If a trial takes place, the prosecution uses the following elements to demonstrate guilt to the jury: driving, field interview and the presence of marijuana in the blood (or other intoxicating drugs-note most common in my experience was prescription pain killers).
9. Generally speaking the punishment for DUI alcohol and DUI marijuana is the same.
10. Whereas the federal government has set a national standard of 0.08% for alcohol DUI, it has not set a standard for marijuana or any other intoxicating drug (cocaine, heroin, Oxicodone, Vicodin, etc)
Posted October 6th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
COP on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
It is WHO you know: ARO is a list serve – Alliance of Reformed Organizations of which COP is a part. There was a big chat about a recent ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Bureau) memo that said medical marijuana patients could not possess firearms or buy ammunition. Will the NRA (National Rifle Association) and other pro Second Amendment groups step up to defend gun owners who are using God’s medicine instead of store-bought pills?
David Keene, noted conservative, recently became the President of the NRA. He attends Grover’s Wednesday brunch, sitting about 8 feet from me and we know each other. Next week I will ask/request him to bring the weight of his organization to bear on the issue and defend gun ownership for all Americans.
Where is Grundy, Virginia?: First part of the week was spent traveling to/from and being on a prohibition panel, sponsored by the Appalachian Law School and the Blue Ridge PBS station. The prohibition side was taken by Tamara Neo, the local prosecuting attorney for Grundy. As the television camera rolled, Ms. Neo started her speech by saying she was a Libertarian.
I immediately felt sorry for her, as Libertarians know drug prohibition is anti-freedom and a big government program. Typical for persons in her position, she never even tried to defend prohibition, concentrating on how bad drugs were for families and the crime caused by prohibition.
The students had excellent questions and my five hours on their campus was enjoyable on every level. PS> and it is ALWAYS good to get away from Washington, DC.
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
142 presentations to Congressional staffers: this week
2 Letter to the Editor: this week
1 Television appearance: 1 this week
2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)
2 radio shows: this week
5 (Member of Congress) contacts: this week
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
If you have questions or comments, please send an email to:
COP total stats in first two years: August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)
649 Presentations to Congressional staffers
22 Appearances on major TV networks
10 published interviews in newspapers
12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)
19 brief chats with Members of Congress
13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
Posted September 29th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
COP on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
How to start your day: On the train Thursday morning a woman sat down across from me and said I would like to write you a check. Seems that last week she had seen me in my COP t-shirt en route to my ‘fun’ day in Congress, she asked why, I gave her a card and she had gone to the website. She ordered a t-shirt for herself and her husband + membership fee = she wrote a 100 dollar check. We had an excellent 30 minute chat & the shirts will arrive in about 10 days. COP must be doing something right.
Drug Reformers = Let’s only whip slaves on Sundays between noon and two:* The bulk of the week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) were spent at the annual Congressional Black Caucus conference. One panel talked about essentially a kinder, gentler, more equitable drug war. I was first up at Q & A and challenged the panel sharply with my analogy about slavery and reform.
I was in my black preacher mode (as much as a white guy can do), as I thundered that the evil in America was prohibition and its bastard child was the war on drugs. I urged the crowd the kill both of them and called for the legalization and regulation of all drugs. Of the 150 in the room a solid 30-40 clapped and cheered.
At another breakout session I focused like a laser on how children were hurt by policy. 900,000 teens selling drugs and several are shot every day + pedophiles are not arrested because we are flying around in helicopters, chase Snoop Dog and Charlie Sheen. After that session 3 persons with radio shows asked me to be on their show. Moreover, that session called for the legalization of all drugs. Such a panel had never been allowed at the C B C conference. The tide is turning.
Two minute drill:* A Georgia Congressman whom I had met before allowed me two minutes to make the pitch* for HR 2306.
We love radio: I did two programs this week and the promise of three more.
*LEAP speaker Peter Christ gave me this phrase
*two minute drill = in American football the last two minutes of any game
*pitch = Verkaufstechnik
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
142 presentations to Congressional staffers: 3 this week
2 Letter to the Editor: this week
2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)
2 radio shows: 2 this week
5 (Member of Congress) contacts: 1 this week
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
If you have questions or comments, please send an email to:
COP total stats in first two years: August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)
649 Presentations to Congressional staffers
22 Appearances on major TV networks
10 published interviews in newspapers
12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)
19 brief chats with Members of Congress
13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
Posted September 21st, 2011 by hiwayhowie
COP on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
I represent the MDCA: Tipping my hat to 20 year running NORML leader Rick Day for the genesis* of my new effort this week, I visited all 435 House offices this week. Taking up all day Tuesday and Thursday, I announced myself thusly: “Hi. I represent the Mexican Drug Cartel Association (said slowly and a bit louder, when others were in the reception area of an office). Has your office taken a position on 2306, the repeal of marijuana prohibition? (9 of 10 times the response was I don’t know) I continued, “Here is a fact sheet (far bottom) to give to your judiciary LA {legislative assistant}. We hope your office will stand with us, the Cartels, in opposing the legalization of marijuana. Pot is much, much too dangerous to legalize.” A solid 250 visitors and fellow lobbyists heard my pitch, half the time their chats stopped, when they heard “I represent the MX Drug Cartels.”
Two staffers asked if I were serious. I responded, ‘my clients have killed 40,000 people in Mexico and legalization would hurt their business. They and I are serious.’ Both visibly recoiled** and fell silent. NOTE: I did not take pleasure in making them uncomfortable. But I wanted staffers to accept me being a lobbyist for the cartels.
A staffer and former county prosecutor got right in my face, demanding if I were serious representing the cartels that he had prosecuted in Florida. I did not miss a beat. We had a terse, one minute chat. The cartels feel threatened by legalization and I was hired to look out for their interests. Especially since it was a Republican office, I put extra emphasis in asking that the Congressman stand with the cartels in opposing this legalization effort.
On the other hand, three staffers whose Member has co-sponsored the 2306 repeal bill thought my efforts effective in framing the issue and its allies. One promised to show the handout to the Congressman.
Karen feels I am risking the Cartels hurting me, as I pretend to represent them. I feel the risk is low and acceptable.
Mixing with powerful people: At Grover’s Brunch this week six Republicans seeking the party nomination spoke to us. One was from a western state running for the US Senate and I thought he would be excellent. As the meeting broke up, I introduced myself. I urged him to use ‘horsepower’ to get elected, showing him the Reason magazine centerfold of Misty and me in California + another foto where we made the front page of a California paper. He was intrigued and asked a few questions, then asking for my business card. (I had never even mentioned my politics). Upon reading my business card, he said softly he agreed with my position. (below my name the card says: ‘Police voice on Capitol Hill in opposition to Drug Prohibition’) I was so taken aback by his words, I needed a second to catch my breath before saying, ‘we want to protect children better by not wasting time on Willie Nelson and Charlie Sheen.’ He thanked me for my efforts and wished me luck. He is the second R candidate for the US Senate in three months who whispered he agrees with the COP position.
*Rick and I had a chat 10 years ago, he believing that the drug gangs were buying influence in Congress.
**recoiled = zurückschrecken
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
139 presentations to Congressional staffers: 14 this week
2 Letter to the Editor: 1 this week
2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)
4 (Member of Congress) contacts: 3 this week
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
If you have questions or comments, please send an email to:
COP total stats in first two years: August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)
649 Presentations to Congressional staffers
22 Appearances on major TV networks
10 published interviews in newspapers
12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)
19 brief chats with Members of Congress
13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
Attn: Judiciary LA
The Mexican Drug Cartel Association
urges you to vote NO on HR 2306 – Do NOT repeal Marijuana Prohibition
Why? – Marijuana Prohibition generates high-paying and exciting jobs for 900,000 American teens who would otherwise be unemployed.
Why? – MJ Prohibition provides jobs for 10,000 well-paid state prison guards and even more local jail personnel.
Why? – MJ Prohibition generates employment for tens of thousands of Mexicans who might otherwise come to the USA for looking for job.
Why? – We, the Cartels, earn 10 billion from marijuana sales, helping the Mexican economy.
For more information contact the representative for the Cartel Association: Howard J. Wooldridge @ 817-975-1110
Posted September 19th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
COP on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
Need your help: Please send an email to your Congressman re: HR 2306 – the Barney Frank/Ron Paul bill: The Repeal Federal Prohibition of Marijuana Act of 2011. After the Member responds, send that response to me. Know that COP, DPA, MPP, NORML and SSDP all are working on the bill and we need the intelligence/responses from all 435 Members. Thanks.
Mission update: Coming out of the elevator in Rayburn, a staffer whom I had not met, “How’s the mission going?” as we passed each other. “13 voting yes so far. 205 to go.” I replied as we were passing…..such as passes for a chat in the busy of world of Congress. It is a small, nice jolt* to have staffers ask the status of one’s work.
OMG. It is 1937 again: On September 9 in the Rayburn House Office Bldg the DEA gave a briefing on why synthetic drugs like K2, spice, Bath Salts, etc should be immediately prohibited nationwide. I attended the 90 minute ‘education’ effort of the DEA along with a rep from Drug Policy Alliance.
Essentially the DEA was asking the Congress to not wait for studies being done by FDA on the effects, impact of the synthetic drugs, etc and just go ahead and impose nationwide prohibition. They brought in an emergency room doctor from Pennsylvania who gave us three horror stories of people who had hurt THEMSELVES on Bath Salts, etc. BTW, the stories reminded me of people getting drunk and doing about the same thing.
I asked two questions: 1) I asked the doctor what was the standard ER treatment for someone complaining of synthetic marijuana ‘overdose.’ I also asked how many cases of harm were there per thousand doses consumed. The doctor refused to answer the treatment question and the DEA had no idea what the ratio was between doses consumed and those who had a bad high.
Afterwards the chatter by Dem staffers in the hallway was the Repubs would enact the new prohibition without a real hearing, saying the briefing was all that was needed.
Combined with other questions and the general mood, I left saying OMG..this was like 1937, when the Congress heard four hours of testimony and then prohibited marijuana nationwide. SOB and it was spooky and scary.
*jolt = Schock,Schlag
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
125 presentations to Congressional staffers: 10 this week
2 Letter to the Editor: 1 this week
2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)
1 (Member of Congress) contacts:
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
If you have questions or comments, please send an email to:
COP total stats in first two years: August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)
649 Presentations to Congressional staffers
22 Appearances on major TV networks
10 published interviews in newspapers
12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)
19 brief chats with Members of Congress
13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.