• Congressman Garrett (VA-R)

  • Gov. Chris Christy (NJ-R)

  • Colorado 2012

  • California Field Work, Prop 19

Stories from the week of November 4, 2011

COP on the Hill

November 4, 2011

Your Voice in the United States Congress

What keeps me going:  While away this week at the bi-annual, international drug conference (Drug Policy Alliance’s), I received this from a Senate staffer I met last week.

Hi Howard,

 Thank you very much for your time as well.  It is definitely a delicate subject, but I will bring it up with the Senator and see if we can find some common ground.  Keep in touch and please let us know of any new developments.



Another aide I have known for three years ended our follow-up meeting saying, I was doing ‘yeoman’s work’ defined by Webster as = exceptionally good, useful or loyal service or assistance. ..  I had to look it up.

Good to see you again:  Karen and I flew to Los Angeles Wednesday morning for the four day, bi-annual drug conference of the Drug Policy Alliance.  Meeting those I knew and chatting to new attendees lifted my spirits, knowing that so many are involved in the struggle.  A new record -1500 – filled the rooms. 

Amongst several interviews and filming for documentaries, Karen and I attended an anti-drug rally in MacArthur Park.  Univision (national, Spanish TV) interviewed me and I was pleased, when they put me on for a 9 second sound bite on the evening news.  Many thanks to the person who told them I spoke Spanish.

 Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:

180 presentations to Congressional staffers:     this week

3 Letter to the Editor:   this week

2 Television appearance:  this week

5 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc): 3 this week

3 radio shows:  1 this week

8 (Member of Congress) contacts:    this week

2 Major conferences attended: Drug Policy Alliance International,  Congressional Black Caucus annual

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition.  COP provides that voice.   If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow…  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to: 


POB 2902

Washington, DC  20013

If you have questions or comments, please send an email to: howard@citizensopposingprohibition.org

COP total stats in first two years:  August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)

 649 Presentations to Congressional staffers

22 Appearances on major TV networks

10 published interviews in newspapers

12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc

57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)

19 brief chats with Members of Congress

13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.

6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)

Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.

Filed under:On the Hill

Published LTE: Albany (OR) Democrat-Herald: Let’s quit chasing plants

Speaking as a retired detective, thank you for calling for a rational approach to marijuana, that is legalize, regulate and tax. It has always been a horrific waste of our time to chase a green plant, while pedophiles lurk in Internet chat rooms and drunk drivers threaten those on the highway.

As the Thin Blue line shrinks in Oregon, our leaders need to have us focus on public safety, not the personal safety of adults in their home. During my time on the streets I learned the government cannot fix stupid.

Howard Wooldridge, Adamstown, Md. (Oct. 30)

Filed under:In the News

Stories from the week of October 28, 2011

COP on the Hill

Your Voice in the United States Congress

The ‘sandbox’ I play in:  Quoting Steny Hoyer (D-MD & former majority leader of the House last year):”The Senate right now is dysfunctional.   The Congress is not working.”  This town drives good people away (Senator Jim Webb is leaving after only one term) and those that stay probably need lots of professional therapy  = I ride my horse.  !Poor Misty!

Karen tells me I am still sane but sometimes I ponder the question.  

Something in the water?:  The Senate was in recess this week, so I took a chance and on Monday emailed the 60 offices I had not seen this year.  The next four days I had 21, scheduled presentations.   Normally the response to a request for meeting is about 8%   This was 33%   Happy for the change I was.  Having an appointment beats (psychologically) the heck out of going door to door.

On the same theme…since my arrival in 2005, a Republican office was always easy to recognize, as the TV was always set to the Fox News channel and a copy of the Washington Times would be on the table.  In about ten R offices this year the TV was on CNN and no copy of the WT.  What is going on?

Improving their image:  I ran across this website for the Mexican Drug Cartels.  Who knew so many people thought of them as the good guys?   www.wearethecartels.com

Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:

180 presentations to Congressional staffers:    21 this week

3 Letter to the Editor:   this week

1 Television appearance:  this week

2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)

2 radio shows:  this week

8 (Member of Congress) contacts:    this week

1 Major conference attended (Congressional Black Caucus annual)

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition.  COP provides that voice.   If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow…  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to: 


POB 2902

Washington, DC  20013

If you have questions or comments, please send an email to: howard@citizensopposingprohibition.org

COP total stats in first two years:  August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)

 649 Presentations to Congressional staffers

22 Appearances on major TV networks

10 published interviews in newspapers

12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc

57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)

19 brief chats with Members of Congress

13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.

6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)

Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.

Filed under:On the Hill

Stories from the week of October 21, 2011

 COP on the Hill

Stories from the week of October 21, 2011

Your Voice in the United States Congress

I was wrong:  During 2007 -my first full year on the Hill – I made a presentation to Bill, a legislative director.  The next four years I asked him for a 5 minute follow-up chat w/o any answer to dozens of email requests and a good 30 times stopping by his office and leaving a business card.   I sent an email last year ‘return receipt requested.’  He deleted the email without opening it.   ‘Obviously’ he thought little of me or the issue.

Today I made yet another attempt.   Bill came into the office moments after my arrival.  “Got a few minutes?”  “Sure.” He replied.  I was sure he would give me a scant* 60 seconds before showing me the door.  Instead he led me into the Member’s office, where we had an engaging 10 minute conversation, he asking questions and making comments on HR 2306, the repeal bill.  

It took me nearly two minutes into the chat to comprehend that ‘Bill’ was as swamped* as all of us are trying to do our jobs = no time to make an appointment with me.  But, to have an impromptu,*  constructive chat was no problem.  Nothing personal about me or my issue. Thus >  My bad.  My wrong.  Won’t happen again.

Who is a leader & who pretends?:  This week I sat within 10 feet of former Mexican President Vicente Fox, Senator McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Sessions (R-AL) and listened to them speak.  President Fox exuded sincerity, humanity, intelligence, humor and wisdom.  The other two not so much.

At the CATO event I was able to apologize to Fox in Spanish for the pain and suffering his country suffers because of America’s drug prohibition.  It felt so muy bien. (very good)

­Interview from two months ago:  This was miss-placed.  The producers just found it and put it up on the web.


11 minutes of radio interview

*scant = kaum

*swamped = überschwemmt

*impromptu = improvisiert

 Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:

159 presentations to Congressional staffers:   9 this week

3 Letter to the Editor:   this week

1 Television appearance:  this week

2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)

2 radio shows:  this week

8 (Member of Congress) contacts:    this week

1 Major conference attended (Congressional Black Caucus annual )

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition.  COP provides that voice.   If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow…  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to: 


POB 2902

Washington, DC  20013

If you have questions or comments, please send an email to: howard@citizensopposingprohibition.org

COP total stats in first two years:  August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)

 649 Presentations to Congressional staffers

22 Appearances on major TV networks

10 published interviews in newspapers

12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc

57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)

19 brief chats with Members of Congress

13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.

6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)

Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.

Filed under:On the Hill

Stories from the week of October 14, 2011


COP on the Hill

Stories from the week of October 14, 2011

Your Voice in the United States Congress

Turning a frown* upside down:  I was not in my most positive mood on Friday, as I rode the train in the rain to DC…then

  • The sun came out & walking to the station, I heard someone yell, “Hey you forgot your hat!”  Walking back to the train another passenger also said I forgot my hat.  Nice having others notice my state of undress.
  • In the Longworth café reading the paper before my 10 AM start time,  I woman stepped up and asked, “Can I take you picture?”    She got both my COPS SAY LEGALIZE POT jacket (draped*over a chair) & my hat and buckle in the foto.   Her American friend (she was from Russia) joined us and we had a great 10 minute chat.
  • Mike, a legislative director I have known for 4 years happened to be in the reception area of the office when I came in.  “Howard.  Always good to see you.”  We had an excellent 10 minute chat on the issue.  He said he quietly pushes the COP position in the building.   That was THE highlight of my day.
  • As I have reported in the past, Congressmen don’t mind if you walk them to an elevator or from an elevator to their office.  This day I caught a New York Congressman leaving his office who is a co-sponsor of HR 2306, the repeal prohibition bill.  I had about 80 seconds to thank him for his courage and other chit chat.* 
  • Returning to that office, I had an excellent 8 minutes with his Chief of Staff.   I told him about LEAP’s new executive director, Neill Franklin and how effective Neill would be with VIPs.
  • My last presentation was to an older (40)  staffer from a western state whose chief objection to HR 2306 was the morality issue of a nation going to hell, if it allowed legal consumption of marijuana.    Always good to respond with.. the immorality of teens having a job option which gets them shot.  The aide was not impressed but it was a great way for me to end a near perfect day and a good week.

Friday’s workday reminded me of police work.  Whether stopping seven cars for traffic violations, or meeting seven staffers from Congressional offices, you never quite know what to expect…kind of like a box of chocolates.

Wind under my wings:   Today marks four years since Karen and I said, “I do.”  She keeps me balanced and focused on the job at hand.  Lucky boy, I am.

*frown – Stirnrunzeln

*draped = zu drapiern

* chit chat = zu plaudern

Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:

150 presentations to Congressional staffers:   6 this week

3 Letter to the Editor:  1 this week

1 Television appearance:  this week

2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)

2 radio shows:  this week

8 (Member of Congress) contacts:   1 this week

1 Major conference attended (Congressional Black Caucus annual )

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition.  COP provides that voice.   If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow…  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to: 


POB 2902

Washington, DC  20013

If you have questions or comments, please send an email to: howard@citizensopposingprohibition.org

COP total stats in first two years:  August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)

 649 Presentations to Congressional staffers

22 Appearances on major TV networks

10 published interviews in newspapers

12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc

57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)

19 brief chats with Members of Congress

13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.

6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)

Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.

Filed under:On the Hill