New York magazine:
Cowboy Cop Makes the Conservative Case for Marijuana Legalization at CPAC
CPAC interview: former cops lead fight against “war on drugs” racket …
By Joel McDurmon
Howard Wooldridge is one of many retired police officers with LEAP—Law Enforcement Against Prohibition—who are fighting to expose and end the racket that is our nation’s “war on drugs.” And a racket it is. You may not be surprised to learn …
American Vision News
CPAC palooza: The annual gathering of 12,000 rabid conservatives. And this year’s produced the most for COP by a factor of two. My voice went hoarse on the last day which was not a huge problem = I kept talking. Here is a sample: New York Magazine- Cowboy Cop Makes the Conservative Case for Marijuana Legalization at CPAC
From entering the Metro subway on Thursday morn and a transit cop giving me a ‘thumbs up’ upon reading my jacket, to an on-duty cop in the hotel asking if he could take a foto of my shirt illustrated a three day love fest. Circa 150 had a foto taken with me and the shirt + xxx taken without me knowing. Facebook audience for the fotos is large and the size unknowable. I also put out my first tweet! = @CannabisCop
Still don’t need no stinkin booth: I did 8 in-camera interviews & 5 reporter/blog interviews the first day. By Saturday night the totals were 12 in camera, 3 radio and 11 other formal interviews. I passed out circa 300 business cards to those who asked why. Once I had two camera crews waiting for me to finish what I was doing. (they waited!!) It was gratifying that the topic/shirt generated that level of interest.
I was able to network better because I had a ‘Diamond’ pass, instead of the usual regular pass. Sadly a friend and COP member Ethel Rowland had purchased the ‘Diamond’ and then was unable to attend. She was able to transfer the pass to me, allowing access to the best seats, fancy dinners and exposure.
Run Sarah run: I was able to secure a front row seat in the VIP section by arriving three hours early. After Sarah Palin spoke, she came over to shake hands. When she reached me, she stepped back, read the shirt and said, as we shook hands, “You’d like it in Alaska.” I smiled and nodded in agreement.
NOTE: one-two hecklers interrupted Gov. Palin half-way thru her speech. Within five seconds we were screaming, “U S A, U S A, U S A” till the hecklers were silenced.
Nurse Karen not happy again: 46 hours of stress in 3 days did push me over the limit. Leaving on Saturday I was a bit shaky on the left side and will take next week off from Congress.
**no more black hats per my fashion consultant = Karen
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
254 presentations to Congressional staffers: 0 this week
6 Letter to the Editor: 1 this week (at bottom)
3 Major Television appearances (Univision, BBC): 1 this week
16 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc): 11 this week
10 radio shows: 3 this week
12 (Member of Congress or VIP) contacts: 1 this week
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
3 Major conferences attended: Drug Policy Alliance International,the Congressional Black Caucus September conference & CPAC – Conservative Political Action Conference
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow… Go to:
Writing from my perspective as a retired street cop, the Feb. 5 article by Rebecca Jones, “Valley teen: Marijuana is widely available,” demonstrated the need to treat marijuana like alcohol, that is, legal, regulated and taxed. Kids are not selling beer and cigarettes in school, just an illegal drug like marijuana.
Drug policies modeled after alcohol prohibition have given rise to a youth-oriented black market. Illegal drug dealers don’t ask for identification for age, but they do recruit minors immune to adult sentences. So much for protecting the children.
No teen should have the job option to sell drugs. To help our kids, we should repeal this marijuana prohibition today.
An evening to remember: Karen and I attended a fund-raiser soirée for a Michigan Congressman on Tuesday. The price was too low ($150) to pass up & the event was held at the home of Grover Norquist. NOTE: No COP funds were spent. Four Congressmen and one US Senator made for a worthwhile experience. Having Grover introduce me to two Congressmen was priceless. Karen is becoming a tour de force all by herself. You should have seen her work the crowd.
He said, she said: At Grover’s this week the woman from Houston, Texas asked what I did in DC. She did not like my answer. We had a nice two minute chat on prohibition and teens. As we broke off the chat, she ended by saying she liked my horse but not my politics. The gentleman who sat between us and had followed the chat piped up* and stated he agreed with my position. She stopped smiling.
Another slow week of no presentations (okay, one by phone), as I let my brain heal. Next week is CPAC and I will arrive as rested and healed as possible. I did send out notes to the seven (7) foreign correspondents in the DC area who have attended before. I brushed up on my drug prohibition vocabulary in all my languages.
*piped up = den Mund aufmachen
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
254 presentations to Congressional staffers: 1 this week
6 Letter to the Editor: 0 this week
2 Television appearances (Univision): this week
5 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc): this week
7 radio shows: this week
11 (Member of Congress) contacts: this week
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
2 Major conferences attended: Drug Policy Alliance International & the Congressional Black Caucus
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow… Go to:
Nurse Karen happier: This week I only dealt with emails, leaving the house only for therapy and to attend Grover’s brunch. Today- Friday I had planned on going to the House, but decided to spend the afternoon with Misty for the first time in a month. Even riding bareback, I did not fall. However, next time I will wear my bicycle helmet.
When Zogby speaks, people listen: At Grover’s brunch we were addressed by John Zogby of polling fame. He asked likely voters in a Republican primary (nationwide) various questions. I found this question extremely interesting:
“America is the most powerful nation in the world not only because of its strong military but because of the personal freedom it represents. America must intervene in the affairs of the world whenever its interests are challenged.”
“America is in a new global era and cannot afford to spread its resources too thin. It must rely on strong alliances with other nations and take care of domestic priorities first.”
Statement A: 48%
Statement B: 47%
Not sure: 5%
In my humble opinion this issue will be THE issue splitting Republicans like none other since abortion. And the Ron Paul view (B) is gaining in popularity, especially with young Republicans. CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) should provide some fireworks in two weeks. .. Can’t wait.
No opinion yet: After three months of missing each other at Grover’s, I had a chance to speak to David Keene (President of the NRA – National Rifle Association). On the question of NRA members losing their Second Amendment right to buy and possess firearms AND ammunition due to being a medical marijuana patient, the NRA is still discussing the topic and has not yet reached a decision. This week I booked my motel for the NRA convention in April in St. Louis.
When you have no money: In order to speak to a Member in a straight-forward situation, House Members ask/demand about a $1000 per minute, Senators 2,000. Thus COP must use surrogates* = talk to the staff of Members, convince them to speak to the Member, give them COP talking points, expressed in this note.
*surrogate = Ersatzperson
Thank you for coming to our office and sharing your valuable perspective as a former police officer. I will share your thoughts with Senator XXXXXX. Thanks as well for your offer to volunteer. (My note—in reference to helping with any event where the Senator needs someone who speaks four languages)
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
253 presentations to Congressional staffers: 0 this week
6 Letter to the Editor: 0 this week
2 Television appearances (Univision): this week
5 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc): this week
7 radio shows: this week
11 (Member of Congress) contacts: this week
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
2 Major conferences attended: Drug Policy Alliance International & the Congressional Black Caucus
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow… Go to:
Envision an America where there are no drug dealers on sidewalks selling drugs, shooting each other and destroying neighborhoods. Imagine a world where all drugs are sold in a state-regulated store by a clerk making 12 dollars an hour. Picture a world where al-Qaeda and other terrorists do not make billions guarding the drug trade and selling drugs. Think of an America where felony crime is reduced by half which allows the police to focus on the deadly DUI, the child predator and other public safety threats. Consider the prospect of redirecting the 72 billion tax dollars currently spent chasing non-violent drug users & their suppliers. See a world where, if one day you or a loved one has a drug problem, you see a doctor not a judge.
This world is possible when we find the courage to end Modern Prohibition.