Posted June 8th, 2021 by hiwayhowie
Cops on the Hill
Stories from the week of June 4, 2021
Back in the Saddle:
I eased back into presentations, making five, sadly not more..the last half of the Congress has always been more difficult, as the primarily Republican offices just won’t take a meeting. I am much like a bill collector; keeping bugging them politely.
The only bright spot was a long chat with the Legislative Director with a major, Republican player for the marijuana issue in the House. The LD indicated that once the MJ issue is resolved, that office would look seriously at a decrim bill a la Oregon.
3570 Presentations to Congressional staffers… 05 this week..
Meetings this week: 02
COP stats since inception: August 2009
91 Radio Interviews… 0 this week..
327 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week
206 interviews and reports in minor media …0 this week.
397 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc.: 0 this week –
107 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 This week
44 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters
31 major conferences attended – (UN drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week
Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”
* Consider being a member of COP at $40.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice.
Posted June 8th, 2021 by hiwayhowie
Cops on the Hill
Stories from the spring of 2021
Personal: Just a note to let you know I have survived 3,120 miles of bad roads, bad road shoulders (yes, we need to fix our roads) and a few bad drivers. I will do the last few miles to the beach at Ocean City, Maryland this Sunday. I will return to work on Monday, May 24. I am eager to speak to the other half of the Congress about drug policy reform/total drug decrim.
There was essentially 0.0 movement on drug reform on the Hill the two months I was away. Sigh. About seven States introduced total decrim but none have gone anywhere. Nonetheless, I will bring my energy and time to the issues.
Favorite Story: At a Subway in Kansas a wheat farmer (it turned out) – my age – asked why legalize heroin and then he launched into how wonderful medical marijuana had helped several in his immediate family. Attitudes have absolutely shifted in this country.
Activity this week: I had some late dates set up while I was en route to Oregon and did them on the fly.
3565 Presentations to Congressional staffers… 03 this week..
91 Radio Interviews… 01 this week..while on the road
COP stats since inception: August 2009
327 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week
206 interviews and reports in minor media …0 this week.
397 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc.: 0 this week –
107 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 This week
44 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters
31 major conferences attended – (UN drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week
Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”
* Consider being a member of COP at $40.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice.
Posted March 10th, 2021 by hiwayhowie
Cops on the Hill
Stories from the Week of March 5, 2021
Finally happened to me: on a fairly regular basis I will hear an assistant say so much in my direction, I will say to him/her,” you are making my heart sing.”
‘Allison’ finally turned the tables this week (first time in 5,000 presentations),, when she said that about me. I was pointing out the advantages of ending drug decrim. When I mentioned the huge impact it has on Voter Suppression, she got all excited (like I do from time to time) and blurted, “you are making my heart sing!” Small steps.
Activity this week:
3557 Presentations to Congressional staffers…10 this week..
1 meeting this week
COP stats since inception: August 2009
90 Radio Interviews… 0 this week
327 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week
206 interviews and reports in minor media …0 this week.
397 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc.: 0 this week –
107 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 This week
44 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters
31 major conferences attended – (UN drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week
Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”
* Consider being a member of COP at $40.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice.
Posted February 27th, 2021 by hiwayhowie
Cops on the Hill
Stories from the Week of February 26, 2021
Overtime pay on Thursday:* My normal 15-20 minute presentation went extra innings, 45 minutes. Damon had question after question and luckily, I had no appt the next 30-minute block. He was especially interested in the mass incarceration aspect and civil asset forfeiture. He closed, saying he would push his D Member in our direction. Small steps.
BTW: For the first time since 2006, I did not attend CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) this year. I was unwilling to risk dying around folks who refuse to wear a mask.
Activity this week:
3557 Presentations to Congressional staffers…10 this week…
1 meeting this week
COP stats since inception: August 2009
90 Radio Interviews… 0 this week
327 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week
206 interviews and reports in minor media …0 this week.
397 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc.: 0 this week –
107 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 This week
44 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters
31 major conferences attended – (UN drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week
Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”
* Consider being a member of COP at $40.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice.
- For those who don’t know, I do not draw a salary.
Posted February 22nd, 2021 by hiwayhowie
Cops on the Hill
Stories from the Week of February 19, 2021
Cruising at 30,000 feet, when suddenly: A few minutes after a 10 AM presentation, I received an email imploring me not to delete, not spam. Christy, addicted long-term to heroin, asked what could we do to establish a Safe Injection Room in her state. She had read the summary of the Swiss HAT on the COP website… She is afraid of dying. A few minutes later we are on the phone and she is now in contact with her state politicians to try to start the dialog. I gave her a sample letter to her state senators and reps in Charleston. Her letter (2 minute read) at the bottom. If you read her letter and are not moved, you are obviously dead from the neck up.
It was a good week for chats with Senate offices (4)
Activity this week:
3547 Presentations to Congressional staffers…09 this week..
1 meeting this week
COP stats since inception: August 2009
90 Radio Interviews… 0 this week
327 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 0 this week
206 interviews and reports in minor media …0 this week.
397 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc.: 0 this week –
107 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 0 This week
44 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
Blaze TV {new, popular right-wing}, (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio) Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press + 9 other MI papers. Chicago Tribune, Honolulu Star Advertiser {foto and caption}, Reason Magazine, Reuters
31 major conferences attended – (UN drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 0 this week
Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”
* Consider being a member of COP at $40.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal drug prohibition. COP provides that voice.
My thoughts, get another supporting country on board with PROVING it works. I even contacted a NY Mayor who is all for it. Im just not very good at this, and Im afraid I wont be taken seriously.
I read of MANY MANY different Doctors, Advocates ETC who FULLY support and KNOW that it is effectuve, and SAY they would LOVE american support/backing.
We are so reluctant. If Im ABLE to leave an impact and push and push and PROVE that Im very serious hopefully itlll inspire them to want to show the world too. I think itll be IMPOSSIBLE to talk to most American leaders or whatever. But MAYBE one of the MANY MANY people Ive annoyed through email will really really stop and think a second at what I REALLY want to do/ document… and theyll see how GREAT it could be too. I dont know. I am totally winging this. my boyfriend and I were just initially entertaining the idea of leaving here, and googling the STATS , Laws. ETC and it started to click. Oh my, If I cant get ahold of just… THE RIGHT person who wants to see some change MAYBE some press IDK , IT could spark something here. West Virginia is SUFFERING GREATLY. I have been to over 4 rehabs, treid suboxone , vivitrol, Hes been Jailed, sold Opiate pain killers, been in prison 10yrs . SOMETHING IS ALWAYS MISSING, and he said “maybe heroin IS the answer”
something has got to give. between the both of us… we have died, LITERALLY over 10x a piece. The struggle is depressing. IF people could see the difference in how TERRIBLE it is being an Addict in USA VS. The healthcare in ,,,, SOMEWHERE else, and how its treated. It will speak volumes.