• Congressman Garrett (VA-R)

  • Gov. Chris Christy (NJ-R)

  • Colorado 2012

  • California Field Work, Prop 19

COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of September 11, 2009

Howard on the Hill

Stories from the week of September 11, 2009

Feels good to contribute: This week I assisted two major reform groups in DC.  I provided them the names of 92 House offices where the aide was very much on our side of the question.    This list of both Ds and Rs will help my colleagues decide where to spend their time looking for allies on bills.   I am sure they knew the names of most Democrats.  I am also sure that the list of R offices contains a few pleasant surprises.

Resistance continues to crumble: How conservative does one have to be to board a bus & travel all night to go to a march on Washington on September 12th?   The DC fire department estimated the crowd at about 70,000 & I would say it might have gone to 100,000.  Regardless, I was there, wearing the shirt & had about 60 ask why.  Keeping in mind these were extremely serious conservatives, 80% were agreeing with the COP message of legalize all drugs.   Many more read the shirt and waved or nodded.

For the few that disagreed my standard line was: ‘I believe in liberty & keeping the police out of my house.’  What do you believe in?’….that tag line* was effective in helping the listener understand what priniciples I stood for.

*tag line = was man immer sagt (kurz und zur Sache)

Love my hat: Attending a monthly conservative breakfast, the gentleman across from me, 10 years my senior, asked what COP stood for. I told him.    He replied he had just given a presentation on why all drugs should be legalized & regulated.  At the end of the breakfast he invited me to his ‘pre 9/12 march’ on Washington soiree on one condition;  wear the hat.

The crowd was definitely a ‘grasstops.’….doctors, lawyers & indian chiefs*affaire.    For two + hours I chatted with über conservatives from all over the country…wearing my best Stetson.  It was an 18 hour day and well worth it.

*Indian chiefs = Ausdrück = wichtige Leute


Citizens Opposing Prohibition

PO Box 772

Buckeystown, MD  21717-0772

Modern Prohibition/The War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional &  immoral  domestic policy since slavery and Jim Crow.

Your tax-deductible contributions are appreciated and put to good use. ($30.00 yearly membership)

Filed under:On the Hill

COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of September 4, 2009

Howard on the Hill

Stories from the week of September 4, 2009

Time marches on: I was struck this week at the number of offices  where the first person I met in 2006 or 2007 had been promoted: Legislative Assistant to Legislative Director, two had been promoted from LD to Chief of Staff.  The new aides I spoke to pass on a summary of the meeting to their boss (usually the LD and a 60-90 second summary to the Member).  Thus, the anti-prohibition message is refreshed & reinforced .    One aide who had become chief of staff said she only had 3 minutes.  Because she kept asking questions, we said good-bye after 10.  Small steps.

How do  you spell frustration?: I spoke to a good number of aides this week who stated their personal support  for repeal of prohibition but  whose boss was never going to change.   I can imagine how difficult a conversation with such a Member would be.   I have been at this for 12 years.  One must have the patience of Job.

Git R Dun:* During the August recess I managed 117 staff presentations + a few other activities.   Now that the members are back and the aides busier, I have time to catch up on some paperwork.

*Git R Dun = Get the work done! = Schaffe es!


Citizens Opposing Prohibition (yearly membership starts at $30.00)

PO Box 772

Buckeystown, MD  21717-0772

Modern Prohibition/The War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional &  immoral  domestic policy since slavery and Jim Crow.

Your tax-deductible contributions are appreciated and put to good use.

Filed under:On the Hill

One Lone Ranger Rides Again To Legalize Dope

One Lone Ranger Rides Again To Legalize Dope

Howard Wooldridge has one of the craziest jobs: trying to convince 535 of
the most uptight people in Washington – the entire membership of Congress –
to legalize drugs. That means everything from marijuana to cocaine to

Watch the video above, which chronicles a day in the life of the cowboy
lobbyist, to see how Wooldridge dug in his spurs.

Photos of Wooldridge riding his horse, Misty, on a cross-country mission to legalize drugs.

Howard on a Long Ride

Howard on a Long Ride

Cops Say Legalize Drugs

Cops Say Legalize Drugs

By Mary Ann Akers [Washington Post]

COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of August 28, 2009

COP on the Hill

Stories from the week of August 28, 2009

Somebody reads what I write: The Congressional Quarterly  honored me recently, quoting part of a letter I wrote.  Me thinks after three years, I am becoming an overnight success.   The entire Letter to the Editor from which CQ quotes is at the bottom.   If you click on ‘she states’ you can read the original news article.

Behind the Lines for Tuesday, August 18, 2009 — 3 P.M.

By David C. Morrison, Special to Congressional Quarterly

“Terrorism, potential natural disasters, H1N1,” DHS’s Janet Napolitano replies when asked by WTOP 103.5 FM’s J.J. Green what worries her most, while refusing to prioritize threats like “ranking NFL football teams” — and check Queerty on her New York Times Magazine Q&A. “What planet is Janet Napolitano living on, when she states the United States and Mexico are winning the drug war?” retired Michigan cop Howard Wooldridge demands in The Windsor (Ont.) Star. Urging Napolitano to “peruse” an immigration report, The Phoenix New TimesStephen Lemons oozes hometown familiarity/contempt, adding: “Being that Nappy’s a lawyer, I’m pretty sure she can read.”

Make hay while the sun shines: Given the relatively relaxed pace of the Hill during the August recess, I learned my first year that the most efficient method to make presentations was to NOT make appointments.  Thus,  I feel very much like a Fuller brush salesman, going from door to door & asking if Legislative Aide Bill or Wendy has a few minutes.  This week I made 38 presentations to staffers, including a brain-draining, record 12 on Thursday.  Tired and happy I was.

NOTE:  The COP website is up, though much under construction.  Please be patient.  A talented volunteer is working on it as much as he can in between making a living.  www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org

So how is drug war being won?

Windsor Star

Published: Monday, August 17, 2009

Re: U.S., Mexico winning drug war, Napolitano

What planet is U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano living on, when she states the U.S. and Mexico are winning the drug war? My profession, police, has been slugging it out in the trenches for 40 years now.

The results?  Drugs are cheaper, stronger and much easier for our children to buy.

We had body counts in Vietnam to show we’re winning. Napolitano now uses how many kilograms and bullets seized.  Despite 40 million victories -Americans arrested on drug charges -we live in a country saturated with drugs and drug dealers.

When will we in the U.S. and Canada become as wise as my grandparents were in 1933 and repeal modern “Prohibition?”

Howard Wooldridge

Adamstown, Md.

Filed under:On the Hill

COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of August 21, 2009

COP on the Hill

Stories from the week of August 21, 2009

­Repeal Federal Prohibition vs. Decrim or Legalize legislation: Legislative aides provided me a better understanding of how a Member might split a hair….in our favor..Given my freedom of action (since LEAP), I have been ‘shopping’ for an office that would sponsor (write up) a bill to repeal federal prohibition of just marijuana.  Several aides have stated their Member will never vote in favor of a bill to legalize or even decriminalize marijuana.  Those same aides have said the Member might follow their Libertarian philosophy and end any federal involvement  with marijuana = repeal federal prohibition.    Stay tuned.

Deep Breath – Here we go: After much soul searching and seeing the need for experienced law enforcement input on the Hill, we filed state incorporation papers this week for a new organization named Citizens Opposing Prohibition Inc  (COP).

We are in a pivotal place in history.  Howard Wooldridge’s unique perspective from the law enforcement trenches has been educational, enlightening and a resource for Congressional Offices for over 3 years. This ‘grass tops’ approach has been effective and must continue if we are ever going to be able to bring about positive change in our Nation’s drug laws.

COP provides the only law enforcement voice working daily in Washington, DC  to repeal all drug prohibitions.   COP is the only organization that personally visits all 540 Congressional offices, connects the ‘stovepipes’ and thus educates Members of Congress to support  repeal.    Phone calls and letters cannot substitute for personal contact and a handshake.

COP’s goal is to Repeal this Nation’s Drug Prohibition Policy.

We cannot do this alone.

We need your help.

COP is a 501(c)(3) tax- exmpt organization(application pending).  All donations are tax-deductible.  We are asking for your support by becoming a member of COP.  Membership in COP is open to all for only $30.00 per year.  If you can give more to the effort, we greatly appreciate it.  You will receive a weekly emailed newsletter keeping you informed of COP’s activities, if you desire.  The membership list will be kept confidential.  The COP website will be up and running shortly providing ongoing information and resources.

If you know someone who might believe COP’s work to be worthy of support, please forward this email.   Howard’s history and background is included on the next page for those who may not be familiar with his story.

Please mail your tax deductible check payable “Citizens Opposing Prohibition” to:

Citizens Opposing Prohibition

PO Box 772

Buckeystown MD  21717-0772

Name _________________________________________

Mailing address _________________________________________________________________

Email address __________________________________

Congressional district or Congressional Representative__________________________________

Howard Wooldridge

Major Accomplishments

Graduate – Michigan State University 1976 – fluency in German, French and Spanish

Police Service – 18 years retiring as a detective

Advocacy –  In 2003 Howard and horse Misty rode from Georgia to Oregon and 2005 from California to New York to encourage citizens to oppose prohibition.

Author – Misty’s Long Ride: Across North America on Horseback

2002: Co-Founder of LEAP – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (www.leap.cc)

Texas Law Changes – 2003 credited when marijuana was added to treatment vs incarceration bill which the governor signed.  Lobbied for ‘catch & release’ for marijuana possession: adopted 2007

New Mexico Law Change – 2005 provided the idea and background of Good Samaritan Law (overdose prevention)  to Reena Szczepanski who worked for it to  become law in 2007.

Capitol Hill efforts: 2006 -2009:  established relationships with Congress by making over 1000 presentations to Members of Congress staff + conversations with 25  Members, urging end to Modern Prohibition and advocating a national, blue-ribbon commission to study the issue.    Senator Webb introduced that bill in 2009.

Minor Accomplishments

2009- Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday Brunch meeting

400 drug policy presentations to civic groups, churches and other organization since 1999

200 media interviews, including national exposure via NPR, Fox News, Al Jazeera  & ESPN.   20 interviews were in  Spanish, French or German.

Member – Panel Discussion in Spanish on Oppenheimer Presenta  (Larry King of Latin America) -2009

Minor expert of Swiss heroin treatment system due to two trips to Bern Clinic & talks with govt officials

Keynote speaker at Southern Illinois University drug symposium – 2004: lectured at eight colleges

Prominently mentioned by nationally syndicated writer Kathleen Parker -2009*

Washington Post produced article and video clip of Capitol Hill activities– 2009**

Helped persuade former Congressman Tom Tancredo to go public with support for ending Modern Prohibition -2009

1998 – created a t-shirt & motto : COPS SAY LEGALIZE DRUGS – ASK ME WHY.  15,000 have asked me why & thus started conversations about Modern Prohibition.   Motto was adopted for LEAP t-shirts in 2003.

* http://www.postwritersgroup.com/archives/park090213.htm

** http://voices.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2009/04/_howard_wooldridge_has_one.html?hpid=artslot


Officer Howard  Wooldridge (retired)

Drug Policy Specialist, COP – www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org

Washington, DC

Hablo espanol, je parle francais, Deutsch auch

Howard J. Wooldridge

POB 772

Buckeystown, MD  21717

817-975-1110 Cell


Modern Prohibition/The War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional &  immoral  domestic policy since slavery and Jim Crow.

Filed under:On the Hill