Posted March 30th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
As a retired police detective, I can say with some authority that the government can not fix stupid. Yet, after 40 years of failed drug war/drug prohibition policy, you still believe that the police can fix personal stupidity, via Sen. Carter’s bill.
Show me the evidence please.
Yes, people are hurt and killed by taking too many pills like Oxicodone. Many more are hurt and killed by cigarettes and booze.
Should we track and restrict their sales as well? Allow an adult to only buy one bottle of whiskey a week? Where do you nanny-staters wish to draw the line?
Posted March 27th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
Your Voice in the United States Congress
Your turn: After finishing a typical presentation to a new staffer, she commented to me that she enjoyed the chat. She went on to say that she expected as much, as colleagues in her office who had already heard me over the years told her she would find the time informative and a bit entertaining. My reputation certainly preceeded me!
Working while walking: Wearing my COPs wind breaker, I was asked why by a Congressional staffer shortly after leaving Union station walking towards the House buildings. We ended up having a conversation the whole 15 minutes. The next day the jacket had a Kentucky family ask why, as we walked towards the Cannon Building. The woman was my adamant* and angry that her neighbors were not allowed to grow industrial hemp.
States are hurting: This week I hand delivered to the New Jersey offices a newspaper report that The Thin Blue Line lost 11% of its members in 2010. More cuts are expected in 2011. I delivered to the Kentucky offices the news that their state government cut many drug crime punishments across the board. Personal amounts of marijuana for example went from a possible one year in jail to 45 days.
If you read in your local or state paper that the police or fire departments are losing personnel, please forward that to me via email copy or simply the URL. I will hand deliver it to the appropriate Congressional office(s) and the two Senators. Thanks.
*Adamant = bestehen
COPs 2nd year stats to date:
TV appearances: 11 (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX, cable)
Newspaper stories: 7 dailes, 3 weeklies
Radio appearances: 7
Published LTE: 13 (one this week)
Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 9
103 presentations to Congressional staffers: (11 this week)
8 (Member of Congress) contacts: (one this week)
5 other VIP (MD state Senator & Rep):
Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Your support keeps the COPs voice loud and strong in the halls of the United States Congress. We agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
Posted March 20th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
Your Voice in the United States Congress
Good Start to any chat: Meeting an aide for Senator McCaskill for the first time, he began the meeting by saying he had seen me on my horse in Reason magazine. Given that Reason supports the COP position, I knew we would have a good chat and we did….Recall we were a two page centerfold.
Break the rules: On Tuesday I needed to finish up collecting the data/changes on all the offices in the House. Comfortable in my COPs t-shirt and because of it, I had short chats with two Members plus dozens of tourists, all very positive. I had thoughtful 4-5 minute chats with visitors with a total of some 25 people listening. I passed out 20 business cards. It was a highly successful day which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thus….
Fun days: Frankly speaking, it has become harder to fire up, put on a coat and tie and go to work…this routine going into its sixth year. Based on my experience of being all positive-fun days wearing my shirt to Congress, I had a chat with my mentor Eric Sterling about any downside to wearing the shirt two times per month. Given that I have established myself as a serious advocate for staffers and Members, Eric gave me the green light. I will wear the shirt about two times per month and NOT when I give presentations to staffers, attend hearings etc.
Who you going to call? Ghostbusters? No, Howard…. I spent an hour this week being interviewed by an organization interested in how to frame the drug reform message for conservative audiences. I asked her if I should put on my NRA baseball cap (National Rifle Association) to better get in character. J We had a great chat.
$$ for sign: After my magnetic sign was stolen a few months back, I received a membership renewal of an odd amount. Calling the COPs member, I learned the amount covered membership plus the forty-seven (47) dollars to replace the stolen sign. Thanks Dick.
COPs 2nd year stats to date:
TV appearances: 11 (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX, cable)
Newspaper stories: 7 dailes, 3 weeklies
Radio appearances: 7
Published LTE: 12 (one this week)
Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 9
92 presentations to Congressional staffers: (11 this week)
7 (Member of Congress) contacts: (two this week)
5 other VIP (MD state Senator & Rep):
Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Your support keeps the COPs voice loud and strong in the halls of the United States Congress. We agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
Posted March 19th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
Speaking as a retired police officer, I heartily agree with Ms. Smith’s op-ed on the relative risks of using marijuana. As a cop, I was dispatched to zero, nada, no calls generated by the use of marijuana. Pot prohibition generated several shootings and one murder, along with assorted robberies.
As we consider legalization, keep in mind that every hour a detective flies around in a helicopter equals one less hour to catch a pedophile in an Internet chat room.
Every hour road officers search a car for a baggy equals less time and attention for the deadly drunk driver. Mothers Against Drunk Driving was founded because of alcohol use.
The number of people hurt by stoned drivers is still so small, no one has started an organization
Posted March 17th, 2011 by hiwayhowie
COPs on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
Your chance: This week at Grover’s Brunch a senior staffer from the House Appropriations Committee asked all attendees for suggestions on where & how much to cut spending.
Regarding drug prohibition policy, please send me your ideas with a brief (paragraph) on why & by how much a program should be cut. I will forward them to this staffer.
Out of uniform! Today I entered the office of first year Member Hansen Clarke (D-MI) to learn the name of their legislative aide who handles judiciary/crime. “Where is the t-shirt?” demanded the receptionist, as I barely walked thru the door. The other 4 staffers chipped in, complaining they wanted to see me in the t-shirt.
All in good fun I explained that sometimes I have to wear a coat and tie. I promised to wear COPS SAY LEGALIZE POT shirt again soon. LOL
Note: Congressman Clarke came out during the campaign last fall in favor of legalize/regulate/tax marijuana…. AND HE WAS ELECTED!
BLESS THE TRUE GRIT* OF CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL: I have met with staffers from about ten (10) of the new Tea Party Republicans. All but two expressed open support for our proposed repeal of federal prohibition and promised to lobby the boss to support the bill coming up. And two Members told me they would look favorably or vote yes on such a bill. We are getting there…. = a couple of more years & state budgets being at ‘no money.’
NOTE: Due to the ongoing problems with the 2011 budget and the need for multiple CR (continuing resolution) motions, our 10th Amendment based marijuana reform bill will probably be delayedL
*true grit = ständig Tapferkeit + Zähigkeit + vollständig unbekümmert
COPs 2nd year stats to date:
TV appearances: 11 (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX, cable)
Newspaper stories: 7 dailes, 3 weeklies
Radio appearances: 7
Published LTE: 9 (one this week)
Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 9
81 presentations to Congressional staffers: (7 this week)
5 (Member of Congress) contacts:
5 other VIP (MD state Senator & Rep):
Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Your support keeps the COPs voice loud and strong in the halls of the United States Congress. We agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717