COPs on the Hill: Stories from the week of June 11, 2010
Posted June 20th, 2010 by hiwayhowieCOPs on the Hill
Stories from the week of June 11, 2010
Boy Scout Ready – Merit Badge: At Grover Norquists brunch this week I was approached by a member of the Republican National Committee that I met a year ago. We always chat in Spanish = fun for both of us. He pressed something in my hand saying it was something ‘muy importante’ to display.
I read the button. FIRE PELOSI.* I thanked him and put it on. Upon leaving the meeting I removed the button. After reflection, I decided not to keep the button. Love or hate Speaker Pelosi, she is with me on the issue of drug prohibition.
Seen you before?: After lobbying hard all morning, 6 construction-business owners from Tulsa, Oklahoma sat near me at lunch. One asked where I was from. I replied Connecticut.* After we had a good laugh, we had a good conversation on my issue. Four of the six agreed with my position. Just before leaving, one asked, “Have I you seen you on TV?” “Could be, I replied. I was on national TV a couple of times, as I rode my horse across North America. “
Rightly or wrongly, being on TV makes one more credible. It was just a fun 20 minutes.
Sideways step: About a month ago Aaron Houston, the chief lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), became the Exec. Director of Students for a Sensible Drug Policy. Aaron had been THE man to repeal federal prohibition of marijuana. His leaving MPP will probably mean that using the muscle of MPP to introduce legislation will possibly be delayed. The good news is that Aaron stays in DC and will harness the nationwide network of SSDP chapters to move issues around the country and DC. I and reform will miss his advice, experience & access to senior staff and Members.
*Pelosi = Hauptpolitkerin im US House of Representatives. Die Republicaners hassen sie.
* Connecticut = Staat im Nordost USA…es gibt sehr wenig Pferde und Cowboys in diesem Staat
COP stats since August 2009:
383 presentations to Congressional Staffers
7 presentations to VIPs (elected officials)
33 published Letters to the Editor (that we know of)
Numerous conferences, hearings & briefings attended. C-Span broadcast my question at a Senate briefing
11 radio shows
6 TV interviews (Colombian TV, Fox and Univision)
Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year. It is tax-deductible. Add your voice to those who agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or check.
Detective/Officer Howard Wooldridge (retired)
Drug Policy Specialist, COP –
Washington, DC
817-975-1110 Cell
Citizens Opposing Prohibition – Become a Member
PO Box 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717-0772
Modern Prohibition/The War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional & immoral domestic policy since slavery & Jim Crow.
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